The New Me
Leveraging the Power of Moments
Walter, 07/12/20
We all have defining moments in our lives, those of which are the meaningful experiences that stand out in our memories. Many of these defining moments owe a great deal to chance either a lucky encounter with someone who becomes the love of your life, a new teacher who spots a talent you didn’t know you had, or a sudden loss that upends the certainties of your life. These moments seem to be the product of fate, luck, or maybe God’s interventions. Maybe it is something we cannot control…or can we?
Graduation day can be considered as a defining moment. A wedding day can also be a defining moment. For those married: what was the state of your emotion on your wedding day? For most, they would consider it to be the happiest moment of their lives. The same goes for graduation, or having your first child or grandchild. Those are the important moments of our lives that stand out; moments that we will remember and cherish throughout our lives.
A New years resolution can also be a defining moment. Most people will set a goal or resolution to be a better person than the year passed. Here’s a mental accounting trick of the “Old Me” and the “New Me”: our past failures are left on the ledger as the “Old Me” and the “New Me” starts today.
We may not be able to control the outcome of our defining moments, but we ought to try our very best. When Papa and Mama got married, they were committed to being together for better or for worse and in sickness or in good health. They set a great example to all of us and showed us how powerful love is. They were able to do all of this by leveraging the power of moments--by making every moment count. Wherever they went, they had to have the same color or design in clothing. That’s love. They went to lunch or dinner together every single day. Again, that’s love. An example, either intentionally or unintentionally, passed on to us, which I am very grateful to witness such gesture.
Just like a new year’s resolution where we discard the “Old Me” and welcome the “New Me”, would it be nice to have a “New Me” every single moment? Or perhaps a “Better Me” so we can set an example, just like our parents, to our kids and the next generation where we can apply Loyalty, Integrity and Modesty as Papa always wanted us to adhere. Spreading unselfish love among brothers and sisters as well as the next generations by being selfless and most of all, be a God-fearing person. That is more than enough reason to yearn for a “New Me”.
We all need to learn to be better, and today is the day to leverage the power of moments. Now is the time to be a “Better Me”. Grudges and hate is part of the Old Me. Love and unity is the “New Me”. Let’s all be a NEW ME.
As for the 2020 generation, the pandemic may seem really scary. Nonetheless, instead of looking at the challenges we are facing, we all should look at the positive impact of the COVID-19. The mandatory stay-at-home protocol became a wonderful blessing in disguise. It made us realize what matters most, FAMILY. Everyday, although I am not as active in responding, I look forward to the messages or videos from our big brother, our dearest Ahya. Although we are all confined in different places, I feel like we are all together in one place after reading all the messages and greetings. Because of the pandemic, the Lima Clan became closer than ever. Now, is that a blessing? A blessing indeed. God really does things in mysterious ways.
I love you all. May you have a blessed life ahead.