Happy Birthday Papa, Angkong

After Papa quit smoking around 1981 (he made a pact with his chain-smoking friend, Cesar Cuyugan to quit, and they both did). He became more and more entrenched in physical fitness. For more than 30 years, Papa and Mama practiced daily exercises of LTK (Luk Tung Kuen) for 35 minutes - yes everyday, this is always followed by dance for another 20 minutes, and then swimming for at least an hour. This was a daily morning routine for more than 30 years! His last physical exercise was on Sep-6, 2016, when he off-balanced and fell. He was 88.
My Father
Years now passed, and a new day just begun,
Dashes of hope with the morning sun.
Hong Kong and China, and to the beaches of L.A.
Smiling and sailing, by the old Manila Bay.
A new breathe of life, from the Heavens above,
"Let go my son, go share my love."
"I'm with your Mama, we're up high and away"
"Above the clouds with me to stay."
Excerpt from "A Year Ago" -- Walden
The Happy Song - 快樂頌
In 2005, Papa started working on his love of music again. This time, armed with "Finale" (a music notation software we bought online from MakeMusic.) He made a total of 227 songs over the span of 6 years from 2005 to 2011. One of the favorites, and most liked by his friends was "The Happy Song" (快樂頌). The song was widely used in his church and most specially during their daily morning LTK (Luk Tung Kuen) physical exercises around Arcadia Park and Temple City Park over the years.
In time for his special birthday, Jan-15 --- I requested my friend, Yozi Ngoo 吴优子 of Australia, to perform the song in both Chinese and English. The original text was written in Chinese, and with the help of my friend from Xiamen, Effy Jin 金晶晶, and YoZi Ngoo 吴优子, we translated and rhymed the song in English. Please listen to Papa's "The Happy Song." -- Walden
The Happy Song - English
The Happy Song 快樂頌 Chinese

Remembering Angkong Birthday

Before leaving for London, Robyn stopped by Angkong's favorite Dimsum place in Arcadia on Jan-12, 2019.

At Papa's favorite Chinese Restaurant, Garden Cafe in Arcadia on Jan-15, 2019.

And more at Papa's favorite Lake Arrowhead on Jan-19, 2019

Then to Paris!